
Google Tag Manager Menu
In Part 1 of our updated Google Tag Manager Version 2 tutorial we showed you how to track outbound links. If you have not already read it, please at least have a look at the introduction: all the requirements described apply here as well.
In this second part, we will walk you through the process of setting up tracking for downloads from your website. The setup below will allow you to keep track of the number of times users download different types of files from your website. Every time a user clicks on a link that contains the file extensions you define (for example, .pdf) an event will be recorded that is labeled with the type of the file and the URL of the file. You then can easily see in Google Analytics how many pdfs, for example, were downloaded from your site, and which ones.
This part also introduces a major component of Google Tag Manager: user-defined variables. Variables let you customize the pieces of data that you use in tags and triggers.  Google Tag Manager comes with many useful built-in variables but you can also create your own, as we will do in the first step:

1. Create a Filetype Variable

This user-defined variable is made up of a few lines of JavaScript that chop the file extension off the end of a link, so that you can tell what type it is. The custom JavaScript comes from Simo Ahava’s excellent blog post on Google Tag Manager Macros (for GTM version 1).
  1. Under User-Defined Variables, click "New".
  2. Replace "Untitled Variable" with a descriptive name like "Filetype".
  3. Choose Type: Custom Javascript.
  4. Copy and paste the following into the "Configure Variable" input box for Custom Javascript:
function() {
  var ext = {{Click Element}}.pathname.split(".");
  return ext.length>1?ext.pop():'html';
  1. Click "Create Variable" to save.
  2. Enable the built-in "Click Element" by checking the box next to "Click Element" on the Variables page.
Configuring a custom variable for download link clicks in Google Tag Manager version 2

2. Create a Download Link Click Trigger

This trigger determines whether a click on a link is a file download. It gives a long list of file extensions, and if a link url contains one of them, then the rule says, yes, tag, do your action. Optionally, you can customize these file extensions to include only the ones that interest you, or add other ones specific to the type of downloads you offer on your site.
  1. Under Triggers, click "New".
  2. Replace "Untitled Trigger" with a descriptive name like "Download Link Click".
  3. Configure Trigger:
    1. Select Targets "Just Links". This requires that the click is on a link, not on anything else, like a button or other page element.
    2. Tick checkbox "Wait for Tags" and set the Max wait time as 2000 milliseconds. This allows the trigger to wait up to two seconds for all the tags that use this trigger to be ready before taking the user to the link.
    3. Tick checkbox "Check Validation". This checks that a link is actually a valid link that takes the user to another page.
  4. Enable When:
    1. Select options: Page URL matches RegEx ".*". This enables the trigger on all pages of the website.
  5. Fire On:
    1. Select options: Click URL matches Regex "^.*\.(7z|aac|arc|arj|asf|asx|avi|bin|csv|doc|exe|flv|gif|gz|gzip|hqx|jar|jpe?g|js|mp(2|3|4|e?g)|mov(ie)?|msi|msp|pdf|phps|png|ppt|qtm?|ra(m|r)?|sea|sit|tar|tgz|torrent|txt|wav|wma|wmv|wpd|xls|xml|z|zip)$".
      This regular expression checks if the link clicked ends with one of these file extensions that are usually downloaded, not opened in the browser.
  6. Click "Create Trigger" to save.
Change the list of "|" separated file extensions in the  "Fire On" options if you only want to track certain types of downloads.
Creating a trigger for download link clicks in Google Tag Manager version 2

3. Create a Download Event Tag

Now that you have set up the necessary variable and trigger in the previous steps, you can create the event tracking tag. This will record clicks on links that have the file extensions that you set up in the trigger in Google Analytics.
  1. Under "Tags", click "New".
  2. Replace "Untitled Tag" with a descriptive name like "Download Event".
  3. Choose Product: Select "Google Analytics".
  4. Choose a Tag Type: Select "Universal Analytics" or "Classic Google Analytics", depending on which tracking codes you currently use on your website.
  5. Configure Tag:
    1. Tracking ID: Enter the Tracking ID of the Google Analytics property for your website.
    2. Track Type: Select "Event".
    3. Category: Enter "Downloads".
    4. Action: Enter "{{Filetype}}".
    5. Label: Enter "{{Click URL}}". This built-in variable must be enabled first, see Part 1, step 1 of this tutorial.
    6. Non-Interaction Hit: Select False.  This means that this event will change your bounce rate, because it will be counted as an interaction on your site. You should decide if you prefer to count downloads as interactions or not, and adjust this accordingly.
  6. Fire On:
    1. Select "Click".
    2. From the "Choose from existing Click Triggers" menu that pops up, select the "Download Link Click" trigger you created in step 2.
  7. Click "Create Tag" to save the tag.
Creating a Tag for download link clicks in Google Tag Manager version 2
The download events that this tag tracks will appear in the events report in Google Analytics with the category "Downloads", the action will appear as the type of file (pdf, doc, etc.), and the label will give the url of the link.
That’s it!  Debug the setup (see step 4 of part 1 of this tutorial) to make sure it works the way you want, save a version, and publish to start tracking downloads in Google Analytics.
Now that you have used some of the built-in tags and variables that Google Tag Manager version 2 offers, you are hopefully ready to handle a little more complexity. Part 3 of this tutorial will deal with tracking form submissions, and will require a little more customization for your specific website to work properly.
Have you set up outbound links and/or downloads tracking in Google Tag Manager? Leave us a comment and let us know how it went! Need help with Google Tag Manager? Send me an email!

Source URL: http://www.amazeemetrics.com/en/blog/google-tag-manager-tutorial-part-2-tracking-downloads-in-gtm-version-2

Google Tag Manager v2
Last year we published a Google Tag Manager Guide to help you start using Google Tag Manager for event tracking.  Since then, Google has upgraded all Google Tag Manager accounts to Version 2.  This updated Google Tag Manager tutorial contains revised information about how to use the new GTM v2 to track important events on your website like link clicks, downloads, and form submissions.
This tutorial assumes you already have a Google Tag Manager account, have created a Container, and have installed it in your website (if not, start with the Tag Manager Help).  You should also already have a Google Analytics account for your website, and have already installed the tracking code with one of the methods recommended by Google Analytics.  Start by opening up Google Tag Manager and clicking on your Container to begin.

Part 1: Tracking Outbound Links

Part 1 of this tutorial will show you how to set up Google Tag Manager to track outbound links.  It is very useful to know how often users click on links that take them away from your site, and which of these links they click.  Unfortunately Google Analytics does not automatically track outbound links.
Set up outbound link tracking by following the steps below. First you will enable a built-in variable that gets the URL of elements that users click on.  Then, you need to create the trigger that defines what an outbound click is. Then finally, you will create a tag that records these clicks as events in Google Analytics.

1. Enable the Click URL Variable

In Google Tag Manager Version 2, you can enable and disable a variety of built-in variables (previously known as Macros), as well as create your own custom variables if needed. This lets you reduce the amount of JavaScript running on your page, in order to optimize page load speed.
Google Tag Manager Version 2 variables
To track outbound link clicks, you need to have the built-in "Click URL" variable enabled.  This will let you capture the URL of the links that users click. To enable it, just check the box next to "Click URL".
Enable the Click URL variable

2. Create an Outbound Links Trigger

Google Tag Manager Version 2 uses triggers to define when a tag should fire, for example, when a specific kind of click happens, a certain page is loaded, or a particular form is submitted. To set up a trigger for outbound link clicks, follow these steps:
  1. Click "New" on the triggers page to create a new trigger.
  2. Replace "Untitled Trigger" with a descriptive name like "Outbound Links".
  3. Choose Event:  Select "Click".
  4. Configure Trigger:
    1. Select Targets "Just Links".  This requires that the click is on a link, not on anything else, like a button or other page element.
    2. Tick checkbox "Wait for Tags" and set the Max wait time as 2000 milliseconds. This allows the trigger to wait up to two seconds for all the tags that use this trigger to be ready before taking the user to the link.
    3. Tick checkbox "Check Validation". This checks that a link is actually a valid link that takes the user to another page.
  5. Enable When:
    1. Select options: Page URL matches RegEx ".*". This enables the trigger on all pages of the website.
  6. Fire On:
    1. Select options: Click URL does not match RegEx ".*example\.com.+". This makes sure the link is not an internal link to another page on your site. Use your website's domain instead of example.com.
  7. Save trigger.
Google Tag Manager trigger configuration

3. Create an Outbound Link Click Event Tag

This tag will use the variable you enabled in step 1 and the trigger you created in step 2 to do the actual work of tracking outbound link clicks.  The tag defines how and when the event should be sent to Google Analytics. Create it by following these steps:
  1. Click "New" on the Tag page to create a new tag.
  2. Replace "Untitled Tag" with a descriptive name like "Outbound Link Click Event".
  3. Choose Product: Select "Google Analytics".
  4. Choose a Tag Type: Select "Universal Analytics" or "Classic Google Analytics", depending on which tracking codes you currently use on your website.
  5. Configure Tag:
    1. Tracking ID: Enter the Tracking ID of the Google Analytics property for your website.
    2. Track Type: Select "Event".
    3. Category: Enter "Outbound links".
    4. Action: Enter "Click".
    5. Label: Enter "{{Click URL}}"
    6. Non-Interaction Hit: Select True.  This means that this event will not change your bounce rate, because it will not be counted as an interaction on your site. This makes sense for outbound links, but for many other events you may want to count the event as an interaction.
  6. Fire On:
    1. Select "Click".
    2. From the "Choose from existing Click Triggers" menu that pops up, select the "Outbound Links" trigger you created in step 2.
  7. Save tag.
Google Tag Manager Tag configuration

4. Save a Version, Test, and Publish

Before you make any more changes to your container, you should save a version of the container so that you can come back to this point if you need to. To do this, click "Create Version".  You can give the version a name that describes what you changed in these steps, for example, “Outbound Links Tracking”, by clicking on the pencil icon next to the current version name (the default is a number).
The tags you just created will not start working until you publish them, but first you should thoroughly test that they are working as expected.  This is especially important when you have created triggers that wait for tags and check validation. You can test the setup with the Publish > Preview and Debug function.  See the Tag Manager Support articles on how to use preview and debugging.
If all goes well, publish your version so that the tags can start working on your site.
If you’ve followed all the steps above, you now have the necessary trigger and tag in your Google Tag Manager container to start tracking outbound links.
Stay tuned in the following weeks for the next parts of this guide! Part two will show you how to track downloads from your website and Part three will introduce tracking form submissions using the example of a contact form.  
If you have any questions about setting up event tracking with Google Tag Manager, please post a comment below or send me an email.

Source URL: 
Serial No Top 15 Online Photo Editing Website List Page Rank
1 Pixlr Photo Editor 6
2 PicMonkey 6
3 Photoshop 6
4 Foto Flexer 5
5 Phixr 5
6 Befunky 5
7 IPiccy 5
8 Blingee 5
9 Fun Photo Box 5
10 Pho.to 5
11 Photo Funia 5
12 Photo Visi 5
13 Pixlr O Matic 6
14 Ribbet 5
15 PiZap 4

How to create a plus post ad within Google Adwords

What are they all about?

Well since April 16th 2014, anyone with over 1000 followers, who wants their Google+ content to gain more exposure, can do so using their Google Adwords account.
These ads will appear across the Google Display network.
This article will take you step-by-step through the process.

Why should we look at this?

If you want more people to engage on your content, including clicking links (i.e. traffic to your website) within it, this will be an excellent way for you to go.
On the ‘ads’ people can:
comment (if allowed)
share, and
add the page
As many of us know, growing Brand Pages can be a lot of work and alongside what we will now call ‘traditional’ methods on Google+, this ad method will prove to be invaluable.
Check out Mark Traphagen’s post below for more on the ‘why’…

What you’ll need to get started.

You will need a Google Adwords account.
You will also need to be ‘on’ Google+ and have over 1000 followers (i.e. people having circled you).
What if I haven’t got e.g. a Brand Page yet?
Don’t worry, here is an article and guide to help you get ready. Just click here.
How to setup a plus post ad…

Step 1

Create a new campaign by clicking on the red campaign button, and:
1. Choose ‘Display network only’ (it won’t work otherwise)

Step 2 a

1. Give the campaign a name
2. Check it is Display Network only, or change it!
3. Choose ‘engagement’ from the list

Step 2 b

On the same page then:
1. Choose the country, and
2. Choose your budget
(there are other options here if you want to adjust/refine too)

Step 2 c

Then, still on the same page:
1. Give the campaign a daily budget,
2. Add in e.g. site extensions and look at the advanced settings, then
3.’Save and continue’

Step 3

Next you will want to ‘create an ad group’ (note, you will need a group before you create the ad in this process)
1. Name the group,
2. Give a default bid
3. Choose keywords/interests etc

Step 4

1. Select the type of ad you want to have.

Step 4 b

2. Choose a Google+ Page or Profile from which you want the add post to display

Step 4 c

3. Choose to keep the post selected, or you can choose another post available from that Page or Profile
4. Review and finish when done
Or, instead of clicking ‘done’ you have other options on that Page…

Step 4 c, part 2 – if you choose to select another post
You can then select from the pop up window the post you want to display

Step 4 d – additionally

1. You can ‘customize’ and decide whether to show ‘comments’, or not.
2. You can also choose from different sized ads

Step 4 e

1. You can then choose to ‘review and finish’, or cancel
2. You can ‘save ads’ or ‘skip’ ad creation

Step 5

As you can see (for a different post), you can choose the size and how it will appear.
Just choose the ones you want (checked boxes) and click ‘done’ once you are finished.

Step 6

Return to the ad screen to see the ads ‘under review’ and also you will see they are ‘engagement ads’.

Tools that will help.

Check out Ben’s post on this subject too.
They have a tool that will give you insight into how/when your content is ‘engaging’ or not.
Note: I am not an affiliate; I do have free access to this tool though.
  • Pick a post that did well and promote it. (Engagement by Day)
  • Tailor the time your ads show based on your best times to post. (Engagement by Time)
  • Use your top performing post type to test different calls to action. (Engagement by Type)


This has the potential to bring Social to the rest of the web like never before.
There will be tests run and schools of thought emerging on how to maximize engagement on posts, and how to deliver tangible results for a business.
Even for an individual looking to increase their reach this is going to be an invaluable tool.

As with all Google Adwords campaigns, and I say this having been using/consulting on it since 2003, if you are doing the work yourself, you will want to ‘go steady’ and run low risk tests first.

Source URL : https://www.plusyourbusiness.com/how-to-create-a-plus-post-ad-within-google-adwords/

List of HIgh PR Profile Creation Sites to Build Dofollow BackLinks

Now, we are sharing the list of High PR profile creation sites for backlinks. here we are sharing mix of do-follow and No-follow both links

PR 9 Profile Creation Sites List

  • http://www.wordpress.com
  • http://www.blogger.com
  • http://www.groups.drupal.org
  • http://www.plus.google.com
  • http://www.pinterest.com
  • http://www.disqus.com
  • http://www.issuu.com
  • http://www.coursers.org
  • http://www.vimeo.com

PR 8 Profile Creation Sites List to Build Dofollow SEO Links

  • http://www.myspace.com
  • http://www.scribd.com
  • http://www.panoramio.com
  • http://www.openstreetmap.org
  • http://www.my.opera.com
  • http://www.livejournal.com
  • http://www.bleacherreport.com
  • http://www.openstreetmap.org
  • http://www.stumbleupon.com
  • http://www.storify.com
  • http://www.zotero.org
  • http://www.last.fm
  • http://www.soundcloud.com
  • http://www.ted.com
  • http://www.friendfeed.com
  • http://www.en.gravatar.com
  • http://www.scribd.com
  • http://www.academia.edu
  • http://www.goodreads.com
  • http://www.github.com

PR 7 Profile Creation Sites List to Build Dofollow SEO Links

  • http://www.docstoc.com
  • http://www.premium.wpmudev.org
  • http://www.quora.com
  • http://www.about.me
  • http:///www.newsvine.com
  • http://www.orcid.org/register
  • http://www.arduino.cc
  • http://www.plurk.com
  • http://www.everytrail.com
  • http://www.sbnation.com
  • http://www.visual.ly
  • http://www.newsvine.com
  • http://www.bookcrossing.com
  • http://www.rhizome.org
  • http://www.alpha.app.net
  • http://www.flattr.com
  • http://www.fodors.com

PR 6 Profile Creation Sites List to Build Dofollow SEO Links

  • http://www.tripit.com
  • http://www.moz.com
  • http://www.crunchbase.com
  • http://www.carbonmade.com
  • http://www.fanpop.com
  • http://www.creattica.com
  • http://www.skillpages.com
  • http://www.30boxes.com
  • http://www.flavors.me
  • http://www.forum.arduino.cc
  • http://www.dailystrangth.org
  • http://www.magcloud.com
  • http://www.stocktwits.com
  • http://www.ideastap.com
  • http://www.sunzu.com
  • http://www.angle.co/maga-itc
  • http://www.weheartit.com
  • http://www.dead.net
  • http://www.buzznet.com

PR 5 profile creation sites list to build Dofollow SEO Links

  • http://www.steepster.com
  • http://www.efactor.com
  • http://www.yourlisten.com
  • http://www.zotero.org
  • http://www.knowem.com
  • http://www.mobypicture.com
  • http://www.pictify.com
  • http://www.yourlisten.com
  • http://www.steepster.com

PR 4 profile creation sites list to build Dofollow SEO Links

  • http://www.artbreak.com
  • http://www.artician.com
  • http://www.listgraphy.com
  • http://www.professionalontheweb.com
  • http://www.thewebblend.com
  • http://www.brijj.com
  • http://www.chordie.com
  • http://www.artician.com
  • http://www.gooruze.com
  • http://www.tamilchat.tc

PR 3 profile creation sites list to build Dofollow SEO Links

  • http://www.myfolio.com
  • http://www.itsmyurls.com
  • http://www.hi.im
  • http://www.profiletree.com
  • http://www.perfectbusiness.com
  • http://www.metroblog.com
  • http://www.carbonmade.com

PR 2 profile creation sites list to build Dofollow SEO Links

  • http://www.g2link.com
  • http://www.zizics.com
Source: http://alltipsfinder.com/high-pr-dofollow-profile-creation-sites-list-for-backlinks/
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